
Capitalising on inspiring experiences for biodiversity conservation

Since February 2023, BEST – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of European Overseas Initiative and BIOPAMA – The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme, have facilitated a Knowledge Sharing Journey, an experience capitalisation that has gathered 75 professionals (55 grantees and 20 IUCN staff members) from Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

This first-ever knowledge-sharing journey has combined online and an in-person workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, from the 2nd to the 6th May 2023 to reflect on their grant-making experience, identify good practices, and share lessons learned and recommendations.

Copyright IUCN/Felcos Creative

Participants from diverse geographical contexts and facing different conservation challenges have seized an opportunity to reflect on an inspiring and replicable story from their work and share this with the other grantees. These fora have harnessed the knowledge acquired within the framework of the BEST and BIOPAMA programmes and, in doing so, networking among local actors has been fostered and communication materials have been developed. Here are some examples worth taking a look at:

Knowledge Sharing Journey Infographic, a wealth of knowledge of the Knowledge Sharing Experience through a wide array communication and knowledge products.

BEST 2.0+ Knowledge Brief, which that intends to serve as a guide for grant-making at IUCN, yet with a focus on BEST 2.0+, and that encapsulates the knowledge gained through this capitalisation experience that identified good practices and lessons learnt.

The integration with PANORAMA Solutions

The journey has also paved the way to further test and improve the methodology of PANORAMA Solutions for a Healthy Planet for future scaling with these and other IUCN-managed grant programmes, as a way to support reflection and documentation of successful outcomes of projects for systematic knowledge management.

To access the PANORAMA Solutions submitted by BEST 2.0+ grantees, please follow the links provided below:

Renforcer la capacité des populations locales à la production de plants pour la restauration de sites dégradés (Pacific)

Restoration of Kamaka Island, a sanctuary for Gambier biodiversity (Pacific)

Évaluation de la distribution spatiale d’une espèce d’holothurie (Holothuria fuscogilva) dans le lagon de Vairao (Tahiti) (Pacific)

Promouvoir la Culture au bénéfice de la préservation de la Nature (Pacific)

Testing new low-tech ecological restoration techniques within tribal communities in New Caledonia (Pacific)

Larval propagation to assist the recovery and resilience of Bonaire coral populations in the face of new diseases and environmental changes (Caribbean)

Mangrove Restoration Bonaire (Caribbean)

Caractérisation des habitats de l’omble de fontaine à Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (Polar)

Projet Chiropt’îles : Inventaire des cortèges chiroptères présents dans les Îles Eparses appartenant aux Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (Indian Ocean)